Miracle Offering 2024

Thank you for choosing to partner with Hope Chapel!

Together as a united church we can worship Jesus with our offering and extend hope into our local and international community!

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1-2

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Ways to give

If you would like to worship God through an offering and invest in what Hope Chapel’s doing, please make use of the following options.


Pay easily via PushPay with your credit card

Online banking

Miracle Offering Acc: 06-0317-0868254-006
Miracle Offering


Eftpos and credit card facilities are available on-site at our Info Desk when levels allow

"Jesus is the hope of the world, so we the church must be light to the lost and the hurting. Our mandate as Hope Chapel is to worship Jesus with everything, to love people without restraint and to extend the hope of Jesus to our communities."

Pastor Joel Fryett